Tuesday, February 21, 2012

None Shall Pass

Here is the deck I played while visiting the Phoenix Proving Ground.

I wents 2 for 2 winning a four-player game and a three-player game.

None Shall Pass

Wah-Shan Clan Warriors x5
Mountain Hermit x3
Kunlun Clan Assault x5
Black Helicopter Squad
Coyote Clan Scavangers x3

Wudang Monk
Ghost Wind
Li Mao
Red Bat x2
Gold Lion
Wu Man Kai
Jade Willow
Queen of the Ice Pagoda (old)
Hunger of the Jackel

Unexpected Rescue x4
Monkey Fools the Tiger x2
Wing of the Crane x2
Violet Meditation x3
Operation Killdeer x2
Beneficient Tao x2

Occult Kung Fu x2
Living Legend
Fortune of the Turtle x2

Balanced Harmonies

Mountain Monastary

Martyr's Tomb
Bamboo Forest
Puzzle Garden x4
Grizzly Pass
Floating Restaurant
Fox Pass
Devil's Mountain
Cave Network x2
The Steam Laundry Company
Wudang Mountain

The site structure is very defensive and is backed up with extra defensive events - U Rescue, Ben Tao, Monkey Fools the Tiger.  This allows the deck to focus on trying to get out winning attacks while the opponents beat their heads against the site structure. 

Some of the synergies included are: Unturn hitters with the Mountain Hermits.  Use Occult Kung Fu to add their unturning to a hitter. Use Occult Kung Fu to give a hitter ambush against non-foundation cards.  Reload Ghost Wind and Red Bat once their 0-cost play conditions are fulfilled.

In play, Jade Willow was the unstoppable beating stick for both games. 

Possible changes would be strip out the Ascended to make it more reliable.  Either that or add in a Bite of the Jellyfish just to keep the opposition wondering.  The site structure might be better off trading the current defensive sites for Great Walls.  The a Golden Spike might be in order.

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