Thursday, November 5, 2009

Echo Distortion

Echo Distortion
Cost: 1 [Pur]
Provides: [Pur]
Copy a Site's rules text to target Site until the end of the turn.

Here is my list of ideas for using or abusing Echo Distortion:

Copy City Hospital on to a Proving Ground. Play a 2 cost character. Attack and get smoked. Unturn the Proving Ground and repeat. Good in faction characters for this would be Children of the Sharp Knives, The Voice of the Unnameable, Christine Winter, and Morphic Spirit if you multifaction. Add some card drawing such as The Forest of Fallen Banners and you can go to town.

Copy your own Nine Dragon Temple on to itself to get 6 power when you lose it.

Copy a Battleground site on to another site you are going to seize to get power, or copy it onto itself to get lots of power. Or copy the City Hospital onto a Bandit Hideout along with the Proving Ground so you can get 1 Power with each attack.

Copy a Nexus Tower to turn a non-winning attack into a winner. Unfortunately Echo Distortion is not a [Mag] event.

If you are playing with Whispers in the Dark (which there is no reason not to be), copy an Arctic Fortress to any other site to foil an attack. There are a lot of defensive sites that can foil an attack or just prevent a site from being taken: Big Red Barn, Maze of Stairs, Diamond Beach, Ancestral Tomb, etc.

Copying a Temple of the Angry Spirits can ruin anyone's day.

Here's another janktastic combo: Family Restaurant, Scrappy Kid, ID Chop Shop and Echo Distortion. Slightly easier would be replacing the Kid and Chop Shop with Ninja Six.

A Mountain Fortress with some damage on it can make for a beefy wall of defenders if you copy City Hospital on it.

Copy your Festival Circle or other non-healing site on to an opponent's site in response to a healing effect.

Copy Turtle Island or Auspicious Termites to a site to prevent a burn.

Copy a Kinoshita House of Pancakes on to another Unique site to force an auction. Be careful if you are playing the KHoP with Misery. You might force an auction with yourself.

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